In this blog I will use Xtract QV to extract a BW hierarchy from an SAP BW system and load it into QlikView.
SAP BW hierarchies are modeled as parent-child hierarchies. I will show how to convert it to a naturalized Hierarchy to use in QlikView.
I will extract a sample hierarchy of the dimension country.
Now open Xtract QV and create the BW hierarchy extraction using the BW/BI Hierarchy component.
Select the created extraction, click on Run -> Generate QlikView Script -> Copy to Clipboard.
QlikView provides the hierarchy statement to transform a parent-child hierarchy into a natural hierarchy. The syntax is
Hierarchy (NodeID, ParentID, NodeName, [ParentName], [PathSource], [PathName], [PathDelimiter], [Depth]) (loadstatement | selectstatement)
Now open QlikView, go to the script editor and paste the script. Be sure to write the statement Hierarchy (NodeID, ParentID, NodeName) prior to the load statement.
Now you can use the hierarchy in QlikView.
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