Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010

Extracting data from SAP BW/BI via Export DataSources with Xtract IS

To extract data from an SAP BW/BI system, Xtract IS suite provides 3 different components supporting the following interfaces:

MDX engine: Xtract IS BWCube component supports the MDX engine and enables the extraction of InfoCubes and BEx Queries.

Open Hub Services: Xtract IS OHS component supports the Open Hub Services that allow you to distribute data from BW/BI system using Infospokes or Open Hub Destinations.

Export DataSource: An Export DataSource enables the extraction of the following InfoProviders: InfoCubes, DataStores and InfoObjects. In contrast to Export DataSources, DataSources are provided to transfer data from SAP ERP or an external System to BI. Xtract IS DeltaQ component supports both DataSources.

In this blog I will focus on Export DataSources and describe how to generate them in SAP BW/BI and how to use them with Xtract IS DeltaQ.